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Archive for the ‘words of wisdom’ Category

We are aware that everyday there are certain spiritual lessons we have to learn. From the time you are awake till the bedtime, the balance of nature not only watches over you but your role is equally important. How has this week unfolded for you? Did you get the results you were after? Your attitude to everything around you and yourself may have been the biggest challenge set out for you?  There could have lessons around patience and on several occasions you were delayed and frustrated with circumstances beyond your control. If you had paid attention that during this time you were being constantly bombarded with such activites, to a point that you lost your cool maybe you would have had the aha moment ! (:  maybe a  little voice would have said ” BE PATIENT “… However, you completely missed this lesson.

There would  have been others who had to learn lessons around judgement,  compassion , forgiveness, self-love, humility, trust , watch your thoughts , maybe time out to rest etc . Will you be given another chance?  The question is will you listen to your daily messages? Can you once again rise to the occasion and welcome the lessons your soul has to learn and to strengthen so you can have the peace of mind and feel empowered. This empowerment that leads to your soul to heavenly glories.  Can you be grateful for your daily challenges without reacting ?

I must tell you that your conscious effort is required 100%, you must be alert to the messages and signs before you.  You will be presented with another test, for lessons not learnt will come around, all part of your karmic contract.  No one said it was going to be easy.  But also know this Divinty does not give you any challenges you can not handle. So let your heart and inner-strength  guide you again,  knowing that nothing is impossible  if you are determined and focussed to make your mark,  be the spiritual warrior you are….so next week eyes and ears open, slow down, breathe and above all trust !!!

Along the way celebrate  you wins for this is important too, with gratitude of course. (: as you know by now gratitude keeps your heart open and with an open doorway to heaven all beautiful dreams and visions come true gracefully. Could this be your lesson today? (:

Love and light always,


I am love, I am light and I am free.. Roshilla Ram

@ 2012 copyright Roshilla Ram – all rights reserved


When you have thoughts of negativity do you ever stop and wonder if this is really what you are about, or is this the hidden fire of your ancestoral blood over taking your life? Or have you attracted an entity unknown to you?

When awareness kicks in what steps are you prepared to go the extra mile to deal with this situation so that no harm can be done to you or anyone else around you?

Will you…

(a) tackle your creativity and see the light

(b) get outside help, see a spiritual guru or healer, read self- help books

(c) tune into your inner-warrior and hit the gym

(d) just don’t care and turn to drugs and alcohol, follow the path of destruction with your buddy devil , the ugly monster, knowing very well that HE is destined to burn in the fires of hell …



Mystic at work

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