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Posts Tagged ‘woman

I sometimes feel a lot of women in our society need to be trained to be a true woman,  mother, friend, lover, teacher… Many have abused in the past and to this day because of their past hurts not dealt with and healed, often those near and dear tend to suffer such as their children and their partners. This is not an art of beauty or the divine feminine energy which is their  true and rightful power from the Source. A power that is now so unbalanced which has crushed their softness and taken away the meaning of what it means to be a beautiful woman. Where are they in their hearts and their minds may be a mystery  yet in other ways it is still clear to the world that they are still on the path of destruction. No amount of heavy  make-up or  fancy attire they wear can hide this fact from those who understand how energy works, the masks do come off eventually and it is painful to witness  that these women have forgotten they are vessels of love first and foremost.

I honestly feel it is time we can do without blaming men as we have for so many centuries, and to this present time and embrace the fact that we are WOMAN, a creative force that truly is so loving, soft and forgiving, caring and all other qualities that make us just that, the Divine Shakti.  This is your sacred relationship with your soul. Why put this on-line and for what ?  Working with love is the answer, not being like a man because this is a man’s world is a dangerous attitude? This world belongs to both sexes, what we need is respect for each other, not power play. We need as woman to support other woman, not the unhealthy competition and cruelty.  Women need to be centred in their hearts, and understand their first role is that of love. Controlling mothers/women are out. Abusive mothers /women are out.  Takers are out, and God have mercy on those who practise dark magic.  Back to open compassionate hearts and knowledge of their spiritual makeup  should be embraced fully  and this is a very attractive trait to have. Centred in this truth women blossom and radiate great power and beauty and this awesome energy also rubs on their children.  Women/mothers who choose to embark  on their journey of being a True Divine Feminine,  claim back their power through love, protecting their young, nurturing them, and loving all things equally, not the other way around.  And what of your inner-child? Does she have a say in this? Why waste any precious time dwelling on the past.  For those who have yet to catch up , forgive and plant seeds of compassion and deep understanding of knowledge and light to embark on a journey that will determine your prosperous future because you have the heart and the strength of a lioness to do so. Your dedication and determination here is important as your survival as a  strong loving woman.

When you make this conscious decision know the Great Spirit will joyfully aid you. You are not alone in this battle . Next time when a man is soft and tender pay attention also, it is embarrassing if a man has to remind the old and the gray or the modern woman/mother what softness is. The Universe is also creatively reminding you of your worth as a wonderful woman who is lost. I know  I am speaking to your soul, and some women may find this very hard to digest. If  yet after so much has happened you continue playing games,  you are actually hurting yourself . We need to appreciate that being a female is a great blessing and understand what this really means. Please meditate on this. This is vital for your happiness and how you think and what your thoughts and actions are also creating in your life,  and the nasty energies that gets sent out into the world also reaches our Earth Mother who is another woman!  Be nice !!!

Hopefully  when we make the necessary changes man will also learn to shape up! There would be no reason to complain if things are in harmony with us women (: I believe  men want a good women in their lives and women long for true love, despite their beasts within. This can be tamed.  This is not out of anyone’s reach,  just few realities to acknowledge and adjustments needs to take place.  There is great joy in this. So sisters of this world please take time to contemplate and get on board the ship for everlasting happiness! Choose to change and shine as real goddesses do, with a healthy attitude we are all winners ! Remember love creates more love…

I am strength, the power of a true woman… I am love …

@2012 copyright roshilla ram, all  rights reserved


Please take time to ponder on this…Do you truly know who the biggest losers are in this society? Is it really that fat person on TV or the fat neighbour ridened by guilt? Our society is full of people who STEAL from each other everyday.  Observe !  This stealing or cry of sin can come in various forms. Some go for money, power, house, land, your identity, ideas, your energy, how about your man or  your woman and the stolen children,  your life or someone else’s, your clients etc etc? How about your childhood and innocence destroyed by people you once trusted? Is this the worst form of betrayal any person encounter?  Are you familiar with  this one, mothers who are jealous of their daughters, and mothers who are too attached to their sons. Does this ring a bell? Who are the real biggest losers in society? Can you identify anyone in your close circle who is an energy vampire?  Do you have within yourself to turn inwards or will you turn away… what will be your choice?  Place yourself in the centre of a circle, with people who are close to you closet to you, followed by those from work,  and public… what do you notice? On one level every one is hurting or harbouring some form of energy they want to hide. But what is common among all of us, we all the ability to reach out and help someone through love ! We can all forgive ! We can all be the masters of our lives ! Because there is a Universal thread that binds us together regardless of our backgrounds.

In a society that is already so spiritually evolved, many people think that they are invincible and above cosmic law and  cosmic justice. The masks they wear will one day be unmasked and ripped off in unexpected ways, for the veils are slowly being lifted. The power of light is far more stronger than darkness. Truth can not be hidden for too long ! There will be some nasty surprises if a conscious decision to change  their bad attitudes and behaviours is not taken on board.  Time is of essence.  In this journey where we are trying to understand and release our selves from the burden of the material, the need to search our hearts and souls is a vital tool to be winners, and not a big loser walking the path of destruction.  There is no need for fear and control, manipulation, and greed.  Anything gained for self-gratification will not last!  so what if you come from nothing, or have missed out on opportunities. A life that is built on unconditional love, compassion, faith, integrity and courage is so much better than the one on false pretences, and taking from others. What is not yours is not be tampered with.  What is owed to you will come your way when you are ready. Hardwork rather then laziness has its own rewards that are everlasting. Don’t wait for the Universe slap, take initiative and put your best foot forward, make conscious decision to bring about the transformation you need for your own success story, your love story of your victory over your negative traits.  This sounds really good to me and I hope it does you for you too !

Love n light,

Roshilla D Ram

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